Tarheel Telegrapher June 2024

Volume 64 – Issue 6                                1 June 2024 From the Brass Hat Welcome to June, my friends! I hope everyone had a chance to take some time off on the Memorial Day weekend to enjoy some good weather, family and friends, and take some time to reflect...

Tarheel Telegrapher May 2024

Volume 64 – Issue 5                                1 May 2024 From the Brass Hat Hooray, Hooray, the first of May! It looks like April was successful, with the Anniversary celebrations getting some good media attention and great response from our volunteers to man the...

Tarheel Telegrapher April 2024

Volume 64 – Issue 4                             1 April 2024 From the Brass Hat Spring has sprung! Since this date is also “April Fool’s Day”, you will find a couple of humorous articles from past issues and a small dab of humor from Doc Majors interspersed with the...

Tarheel Telegrapher March 2024

Volume 64 – Issue 3                             1 March 2024 From the Brass Hat Spring is almost here! February was a much calmer month around the Museum, but many things were getting done. Plenty of planning and administrative work has continued. The Board of...

Tarheel Telegrapher February 2024

Volume 64 – Issue 2                            1 February 2024 From the Brass Hat Welcome to February and even a little warm weather, at least for a few days. Plenty of activities are planned for February, some we are used to and some new. Any spare time will be...

Tarheel Telegrapher January 2024

Volume 64 – Issue 1                            1 January 2024 From the Brass Hat All Hail the arrival of a New Year! 2024 has plenty of promise for the NCRM as we celebrate our 40th Anniversary in Bonsal and the 120th Anniversary of the original railroad we currently...